1027 Salazar Rd, Suite H

 Taos, NM 87571





This completed form must be received by the RPTC prior to 5 PM, January 5, 2024.


I,___________________________________________________, affirm that I am a registered Taos County Republican voter.

I submit this self-nomination form announcing my candidacy to become a State Pre-Primary Delegate to the 2024 RPNM Pre-Primary Convention on March 2, 2024 at the Hotel Albuquerque, 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104.

If elected:

  1. I understand that I am personally responsible for all my personal expenses including, but not limited to any RPNM fees, travel, food, lodging, etc.
  2. I understand that registration and payment must be made to the RPNM for the Registration Fee of $65.00. Guests are also my responsibility to
  3. I understand and agree to make every effort to personally participate in the entire proceedings of the State Pre-Primary Convention and related
  4. I agree that my contact information may be released to candidates, media and
  5. I agree to abide by the Republican Party of New Mexico Uniform State Rules and the Republican Party of Taos County Supplemental and Special


The following information is required for submittal:


Name ______________________________________________________________________

PLEASE NEATLY PRINT:    First                       MI                      Last

Email _____________________________________________________________

Mailing Address _____________________________________________________

City _________________________________________________________         Zip __________________________

Primary Phone _________________________________________________        Cell Phone  ______________________________________________

Signature__________________________________________________       Date______________________

This self-nomination form, whether emailed to or mailed to RPTC, 1027 Salazar Rd, Suite H, Taos, NM 87571 must be received by the Republican Party of Taos County no later than 5 PM, January 5, 2024. 

________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Registration Date and Time Received Verification                        Receiver’s Printed Name and Initials