Note From the Outgoing Chair

To My Fellow Taos County Republicans,

I have officially stepped down from my position as chairwoman of our wonderful organization. Health issues forced me to reevaluate my priorities, and ultimately, my family and I decided it was better for all that I pass the torch without too much reluctance. My resignation was accepted with grace, and my position has been aptly and ably filled by our own Linda Rael. Linda is a long-time asset to the RPTC, and she was an incredible 1st Vice Chair during my short term.

Serving as your chairwoman, though brief, has been one of the greatest honors of my life. The relationships we have built and the camaraderie we share are treasures I will carry with me.

While I am stepping down from my official role, please know that I will continue to be involved. I plan to volunteer where needed and play an active role in our efforts. This little group of fighters is dear to my heart, and I am proud to stand alongside you as we work toward our shared goals.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve and for the many memories we have already created together. I look forward to many more as we continue to champion our values and vision for Taos County.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Sarah Valente

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