Would you like to have a voice AND a vote in what is happening in Taos County’s Republican Party? ALL precinct chairs are voting members of RPTC’s Central Committee.
What is a precinct chair?
A precinct chair is someone who is willing to lead and organize the Republicans in their precinct. The job is simple, though it can be accomplished in a variety of creative ways.
The voter rolls are outdated and need to be updated. Through phone banking, texting, and social media, we can quickly update phone numbers and mailing addresses precinct by precinct. As the chair, you may take this project on personally or recruit a small group of registered Republicans from your precinct to help you. The existing voter roll for your precinct will be given to you directly. It will be your job to ensure it is kept confidential and that the information is used only for GOP business.
We need to raise money! Money given to the Republican Party at large does not filter down to the counties. Everything accomplished in Taos County is funded by local Republicans. No one is being paid, but we’re paying out of pocket to fund this mission. We need your help gathering both large and small donations.
As the county chair, I’m regularly producing new content for distribution. Finding a group of people in each precinct who are willing to distribute flyers and stuff envelopes is important. At times, it will also be important to knock on doors. We need a group of brave Republicans who have received the necessary training and are ready to get the job done.
Are you the leader we’re looking for?