Republican Party of Taos County
1027 Salazar Rd. Suite H
Taos, NM 87571
Dear Taos County Republican Patriots,
I want to thank each and every one of those that helped our Taos County Party bring in the President Donald J. Trump / J.D. Vance victory last night, what an amazing red wave!
Taos patriots worked hard to register voters, support and keep the headquarters open and available to the many, many people seeking information, signs, bumper stickers and like-minded people to speak with. The headquarters was open three days a week, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm.
Thank you to the people that gave their time to organize and work the Patriot Picnic in September and the Sharon Clahchischilliage Meet & Greet in October.
Thank you, precinct chairs for calling voters to encourage them to go out and vote.
Election Day! Thank you to the people that trained as Poll Challengers, Poll Workers and the Absentee Ballot Board. These people dedicated many hours at the polls to help maintain election integrity.
And to you, the Taos County Republican Voters, THANK YOU, you are awesome!
But we are not done yet! It is the vision of RPTC to turn Taos County RED, solid RED!
We can do it if we all pull together and put our talents and time to work. There is room for you, come join us and give us a little of your time. We can Make Taos Great!
Linda S. Rael
RPTC Chairwoman