Attention Republicans of Taos County:
One thing I’ve learned in my first four months as county chair is that there are Republicans in Taos. We are here! We exist! We’re a little splintered. We’re a little tired. We’re still nursing the wounds we sustained in 2020 when we lost (ahem, sure) the presidency. But we’re here. Now, it’s time to organize!
To organize our precincts, we will be using the tried and true strategies outlined by Dan Schultz in his book. I will also be working closely with other precinct strategy patriots across New Mexico. I look forward to passing on what I learn to you.
Our first precinct strategy training will be held in June at the Republican Headquarters. Date TBD.
In the meantime, we have prep work to do! Facebook seemed like a good place to start, so if you’re on Facebook please scroll down to find your precinct. If you have Republican family members and friends who are Taos County residents, please ask them to do the same. More information will be added to the precinct groups as it becomes available. Make sure you’re set up to receive notifications from the group.
As you scroll, you’ll see that most of Taos’s 47 precincts are in need of a chairperson. If your precinct already has a chair (or an acting chair) you’ll find that information as well. If you’re friendly and involved in your community (if you know the Republicans in your neighborhood), I’d love to talk to you about filling in as acting chair for your precinct. If you like the job and want to stay on, great! Precinct chairs are voting members of Taos County’s Central Committee which means you will have a direct impact on the actions of the GOP in Taos.
If this sounds like something you’d like to do, please contact me. Please also contact me if you need help finding out which precinct you belong to. Finally, if you’re not on Facebook, contact me (or your chairperson) to be added to an email list for your precinct.

Tres Piedras # 1 (Tres Piedras Fire House)
38391 Hwy 285
Tres Piedras, NM 87577
Precinct 1 Chairperson Needed

Costilla # 2 (Costilla Parish Hall)
# 16 Garcia Rd
Costilla, NM 87524
Precinct 2 Chairperson Needed

Amalia # 3 (Amalia Senior Center)
583 St Rd 196
Amalia, NM 87512
Precinct 3 Chairperson Needed

Cerro # 4 (Cerro Community Center)
151 St Rd 372
Cerro, NM 87519
Precinct 4 Chairperson Needed

Questa # 5 (Village of Questa Municipal Office)
2500 Old St Rd 3
Questa, NM 87556
Precinct 5 Chairperson Needed

Questa # 6 (Village of Questa Municipal Office)
2500 Old St Rd 3
Questa, NM 87556
Precinct 6 Chairperson Needed

Red River # 7 (Red River Conference Center)
101 W River St
Red River, New Mexico 87558
Precinct 7 Chairperson Needed

San Cristobal # 8 (San Cristobal Community Center)
38 Camino del Medio
San Cristobal, NM 87564
Precinct 8 Chairperson Needed

Arroyo Hondo # 9 (Arroyo Hondo Community Center)
26 Lower Arroyo Hondo Rd
Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico 87513
Contact Precinct 9 Chairwoman Linda Rael.

Valdez # 10 (Arroyo Seco Community Center)
498 Hwy 150
Arroyo Seco, New Mexico 87514
Precinct 10 Chairperson Needed

Arroyo Seco # 11 (Arroyo Seco Community Center)
498 Hwy 150
Arroyo Seco, NM 87514
Precinct 11 Chairperson Needed

El Prado # 12 (El Prado Water & Sanitation District Office)
1110 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
El Prado, NM 87529
Precinct 12 Chairperson Needed

Taos Pueblo # 13 (Taos Pueblo Community Center)
In Taos Pueblo
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 13 Chairperson Needed

Ranchitos # 14 (Civic Center)
120 Civic Plaza Dr
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 14 Chairperson Needed

Taos # 15 (Civic Center)
120 Civic Plaza Dr
Taos, NM 87571
Contact Precinct 15 Chairwoman Joann Obara.

Taos # 16 (Taos High School)
134 Cervantes St
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 16 Chairperson Needed

North Los Cordovas # 17 (Los Cordovas Firehouse)
Los Cordovas Rd
Taos, NM 87571
Contact Precinct 17 Chairwoman Sadie Boyer.

Canon # 18 (Christian Academy School Building)
814 Witt Road
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 18 Chairperson Needed

Ranchos de Taos # 19 (Ranchos Elementary School)
200 Sanders Lane
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Precinct 19 Chairperson Needed

Llano Quemado # 20 (Llano Quemado Community Center)
6 Miranda Canyon Rd
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Precinct 20 Chairperson Needed

Talpa # 21 (Talpa Community Center)
3 Archuleta Rd
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Precinct 21 Chairperson Needed

Ojo Caliente # 22 (Ojo Caliente Fire House)
20 Los Banos
Ojo Caliente, NM 87549
Precinct 22 Chairperson Needed

Pilar # 23 (BLM Rio Grande Gorge Visitor Center)
2873 North St Rd 68
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 23 Chairperson Needed

Rio Lucio # 24 (Penasco Community Center)
14136 St Rd 75
Penasco, NM 87553
Precinct 24 Chairperson Needed

Vadito # 25 (Vadito Community Center)
5 Picuris Rd
Vadito, NM 87579
Precinct 25 Chairperson Needed

Placitas # 26 (Vadito Community Center)
5 Picuris Rd
Vadito, NM 87579
Precinct 26 Chairperson Needed

Chamisal # 27 (Chamisal Senior Center)
1272 St Rd 76
Chamisal, NM 87521
Precinct 27 Chairperson Needed

Penasco # 28 (Penasco Community Center)
14136 St Rd 75
Penasco, NM 87553
Precinct 28 Chairperson Needed

Rodarte # 29 (Penasco Community Center)
14136 St Rd 75
Penasco, NM 87553
Precinct 29 Chairperson Needed

Las Trampas # 30 (Chamisal Senior Center)
1272 St Rd 76
Chamisal, NM 87521
Precinct 30 Chairperson Needed

El Valle # 31 (Chamisal Senior Center)
1272 St Rd 76
Chamisal, NM 87521
Precinct 31 Chairperson Needed

Llano # 32 (Penasco Community Center)
14136 St Rd 75
Penasco, NM 87553
Precinct 32 Chairperson Needed

Taos Ski Valley # 33 (Inn Taos Ski Valley)
1314 St Hwy 150
Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525
Precinct 33 Chairperson Needed

South Los Cordovas # 34 (Ranchos Elementary School)
200 Sanders Lane
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Precinct 34 Chairperson Needed

Cruz Alta # 35 (Taos Middle School)
213 Paseo del Canon
Taos, NM 87571
Contact Precinct 35 Chairman Rob Knudson.

Picuris Pueblo # 36 (Picuris Pueblo Administration Building)
Off St Rd 75
Penasco, NM 87553
Precinct 36 Chairperson Needed

Arroyo Hondo # 37 (Arroyo Hondo Community Center)
26 Lower Arroyo Hondo Rd
Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico 87513
Precinct 37 Chairperson Needed

Arroyo Seco # 38 (Arroyo Seco Community Center)
498 Hwy 150
Arroyo Seco, NM 87514
Precinct 38 Chairperson Needed

El Prado # 39 (El Prado Water & Sanitation District Office)
1110 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
El Prado, NM 87529
Precinct 39 Chairperson Needed

Taos # 40 (Taos Civic Center)
120 Civic Plaza Dr
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 40 Chairperson Needed

North Los Cordovas # 41 (Los Cordovas Fire House)
Los Cordovas Rd
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 41 Chairperson Needed

North Los Cordovas # 42 (Los Cordovas Fire House)
Los Cordovas Rd
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 42 Chairperson Needed

Canon # 43 (Taos Canyon Fire House (New Building)
E US Hwy 64
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 43 Chairperson Needed

Ranchos de Taos # 44 (Ranchos Elementary School)
200 Sanders Lane
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Contact Precinct 44 Chairman Greg Medina.

Talpa # 45 (Talpa Community Center)
# 3 Archuleta Rd
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Precinct 45 Chairperson Needed

Carson # 46 (Carson Firehouse)
591 NM 567
Carson, NM 87517
Precinct 46 Chairperson Needed

Cruz Alta # 47 (Taos Middle School)
213 Paseo del Canon
Taos, NM 87571
Precinct 47 Chairperson Needed